Free Design Commissions

Custom Jewelry Design Offer and Terms of Service

I’m offering a special opportunity for those interested in custom jewelry design. I’ll design a unique jewelry piece for you, free of charge, following these terms:

  1. Eligibility: This offer is open to individuals who communicate with me regarding custom jewelry design.
  2. Free Design Service: I will provide a custom jewelry design service at no cost to the participant. This includes conceptualization, 3D modeling, and rendering of the jewelry piece. I will send you the
  3. 3D Model Purchase: The participant will have exclusive rights to purchase the 3D model file for personal, non-commercial use only. Any reproduction, distribution, or commercial use of the 3D model without my express written consent is strictly prohibited.
  4. Finished Product: I reserve the right to add the finished jewelry piece to my online store for sale to the general public. I retain all rights to the design, including copyrights and intellectual property rights.
  5. Personalized Requests: Highly personalized requests may be subject to additional fees or alternative arrangements, as they may not be suitable for sale in the online store. I will evaluate each request on a case-by-case basis and discuss options with the participant.
  6. Attribution: Participants must credit me for the design when sharing images or information about the custom jewelry piece on social media or other public platforms.
  7. Limitations: I reserve the right to decline any design request that I deem inappropriate, offensive, or excessively complex. Additionally, I may limit the number of free design commissions I accept at my sole discretion.
  8. Modification of Terms: I reserve the right to modify or terminate this offer at any time without prior notice.
  9. Cancellations: I reserve the right to cancel a project at any time and for any reason during the design phase, at my sole discretion.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What will I receive for free as part of this offer?
    As part of this free custom jewelry design offer, you will receive the conceptualization, 3D modeling, and rendering of your unique jewelry piece. You will be provided with high-quality renders of the design for you to view and share. The 3D model file and the finished jewelry piece are available for separate purchase.
  2. How long does the design process take?
    The design process may vary depending on the complexity of the project and my current workload. Generally, it can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks.
  3. What if I don’t like the initial design?
    I will work with you to ensure you are satisfied with the design. If you have any concerns or changes you’d like to make, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
  4. Can I request changes to the design after it’s completed?
    As this is a free service, I can accommodate a limited number of changes to the design within a reasonable time frame. Please understand that excessive changes may not be possible without additional fees. My goal is to work with you to ensure you are satisfied with the design while also keeping the process efficient and manageable.
  5. Are there any limitations on the types of designs I can request?
    I reserve the right to decline any design request that I deem inappropriate, offensive, or excessively complex. Additionally, I may limit the number of free design commissions I accept at my sole discretion.
  6. How do I pay for the 3D model and finished jewelry piece if I decide to purchase them?
    Payments for 3D models can be made through I’ll provide you with a link to my Ko-fi page, where you can complete the transaction securely. Ko-fi has a feature to sell digital files, so once the payment is confirmed, you’ll be able to download the 3D model file directly from the platform. For purchasing the finished jewelry piece, I’ll direct you to my Etsy store, where you can securely complete the transaction and provide shipping details.

By participating in this offer, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service and any additional terms provided by Kotako Studio at the time of your commission request.

You can contact me by email at, or send a message via the following form.