Partnerships with Artists
I’m excited to collaborate with talented artists from various fields, including illustrators, 3D modeling artists, and more. If you’re an artist and interested in partnering with me to create unique, wearable art in the form of jewelry, I’d love to hear from you!
Collaboration Possibilities
Our partnership could involve adapting your existing artwork into jewelry designs or creating entirely new pieces together. The specifics of our collaboration will be determined on a case-by-case basis, as we’ll need to consider factors such as who will host the store, who designed the piece, shipping arrangements, and more.
Flexible Arrangements
I’m open to offering both bulk orders and on-demand production, depending on the needs of our partnership. We’ll also discuss the ownership of the rights to the designs and include a termination clause in our agreement to protect both parties.
Let’s Work Together
If you’re interested in collaborating and creating something special, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m open to working with artists from all backgrounds and experience levels, as long as we can create a successful design together.